Ayurveda Herbal Medicine Making Downloadable Course

Spring Season Remedies (Kapha)


Heal Yourself & Your Family Naturally...

Learn to Make Your Own

Ayurveda Herbal Medicines


Experience Hands-on How to Make 6+ Ayurveda Herbal Medicines from the Comfort of Home

(including herbal oils, ghees, jams-chyvanprash, capsules, alcohol tinctures & honey medicines)



7- Hours step-by-step video lessons

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* PLUS, Lifetime Access to Recordings

Make Your Own Herbal Medicines. Guided by our expert Teachers, Online from Anywhere!



Herbal Jams

Herbal Ghees

Herbal Oils

Tinctures & More...

What our students are saying...

"Thank you Traci for one of the most demystifying experiences on making our own herbal medicine! I loved every minute of this class. Such a wealth of Ayurvedic wisdom was packed in one day! It’ll take me years for all that knowledge to get integrated into my life. Thank you to your beautiful helpers Jennifer and Selena for such lovely presentations on medicine making! If anyone out there is interested in demystifying supplements and herbal medicine making for themselves, this class is definitely the one where anyone can get the most practical skills and knowledge! Thanks again Traci for offering your wisdom to all of us willing to learn 🙏💞"

~ Irina Ristenpart ~
Ayurveda Herbal Medicine Making Immersion Student

"I have taken the Ayurvedic Medicine Making course with Traci and her awesome team. During the course I got to learn hands-on to make Chyawanprash, kalpa, herbal tinctures, medicinal honey balls, medicated ghee and abhyanga oil. All the instructors were very knowledgeable about the process. I could see that they truly loved and enjoyed what they demoed. I benefitted by learning great home remedies to ward off colds and coughs this coming winter season. I also learnt a yummy abhyanga massage oil preparation to stay grounded this fall season. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to prepare their own high quality ayurvedic herbal remedies for a fraction of the price."

~ Swati Popuri ~
Ayurveda Herbal Medicine Making Immersion Student

"I am so pleased to write to your school about my time spent with Traci for this course. I couldn’t be happier to have jumped in on a whim and be a part of this. It is amazing how much I can do with this knowledge shared with me and I truly look forward to taking more programs with your school and spread Ayurveda to anyone who enters my life. It really is my calling and it has manifested after years of thinking of this path, YAY! THANK YOU for helping to guide me in the direction I seek. It truly blows my mind how all of this has been such an intuitive process for me and how it entered my life. I am so thankful."

~ Hayley Miller ~
Ayurveda Medicine Making Immersion Student


Traci Webb

is the founding director of the Ayurvedic Living School which was founded in 2006, the Ayurveda Culinary Academy which she founded and ran from 2012-2015, and the Ayurvedic Wellness Center of Orange County which she fouded and ran from 1997-2006. She's a certified Ayurveda Life Mastery Health & Life Coach, Ayurveda Herbalist, Ayurveda Practitioner, Ayurvedic Chef, Ayurveda Massage Therapist, Panchakarma Therapist & Program Designer, Vedic Astrologer, Ayurveda Yoga Therapist-NAMA, Aromatherapist, Reiki Practitioner, Pulse & Marma Therapist & Acupressurist. She is the Ayurvedic Living School's program designer and lead teacher & the author of Ayurveda Life Mastery our foundational ayurveda textbook. She's a Shanka Vansya Ayurveda Practitioner and Educator who studied under the Rajvaidya Dr. RK Mishra for 12 years. She's been in clinical practice, guiding clients through panchakarma, and teaching ayurveda, yoga, massage, panchakarma, ayurvedic cooking, ayurvedic herbal medicine making, aromatherapy, essential oil distillation, aromatic product making, and leading women's groups for 20+ years. Traci served on the Board of Directors & was past Secretary for the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. She is passionate about empowering women to take their power back, to heal themselves, and to reclaim their birthright as self, family and community healers and leaders. She will not be teaching this course, but hosting the opening sessions in the morning.

Jennifer Wiest

Jennifer is a certified Ayurveda Herbalist, Ayurveda Life Mastery Health & Life Coach, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurveda Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist & Reiki Master. She graduated from the Ayurvedic Living School's first herbalist, coach & practitioner trainings starting back in 2010.  She has been in clinical practice, teaching for the schools aromatherapy and herbal medicine making trainings and making her own aromatic ayurveda inspired product line from the herbs she grows in her garden ever since.  Jennifer is also our Community Director & Senior Coach Supervisor. She guides and supports our Ayurveda Life Mastery & Ayureda Herbalist students personally and professionally in their free monthly ayurveda coaching sessions as well as guides our Intern Supervisors in their ongoing support sessions. She co-teaches our Ayurvedic Self-Care Immersion, Medicine Making Immersions, Aromatherapy Immersions, and co-leads our monthly Commoonity Moon Meditations and Peer Support Circles. She's the founder and the creatrix of Amrita Botanicals, her ayurveda-inspired aromatic product line where she incorporates her homegrown and home distilled herbs, essential oils and hydrosols.

Selena Rowan

is a Senior Coach and graduate of the Ayurvedic Living School's trainings including our Ayurveda Herbalist Training. She has over 13 year experience learning about and working hands on with plants and making herbal medicines and she is an Ayurveda Herbalist, Western Herbalist, and Herbal Medicine Maker with a degree in Botany. She is supports and guides our herbal interns in their free monthly ayurveda sessions as a part of their training. She also co-teaches our Ayurveda Herbal Medicie Making Immersions. Hailing from the wild redwood forests of northern California, Selena lives with her family on an off-grid homestead in the mountains of Mendocino County. Her work is inspired by Ayurveda, bioregional western herbalism, and her years of service as a rural community herbalist. Balancing a university background in biology with a commitment to embodied spirituality, reconnection to nature, and social justice, Selena helps uncover reservoirs of resilience in those she supports. Selena dreams of a world where ideals of mutual aid, earth renewal, and love guide us in all we do.



100% Downloadable Course

7 Hours Video Lessons in Total

Walking you Step-by-Step to 

make your own herbal infused oils, jams (chyvanprash), ghees, capsules, alcohol tinctures & honey medicines.




7-Hours of video lessons

Recipes of all Medicines Made

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