"Thank you Traci for one of the most demystifying experiences on making our own herbal medicine! I loved every minute of this class. Such a wealth of Ayurvedic wisdom was packed in one day! Itāll take me years for all that knowledge to get integrated into my life. Thank you to your beautiful helpers Jennifer and Selena for such lovely presentations on medicine making! If anyone out there is interested in demystifying supplements and herbal medicine making for themselves, this class is definitely the one where anyone can get the most practical skills and knowledge! Thanks again Traci for offering your wisdom to all of us willing to learn šš"
"I have taken the Ayurvedic Medicine Making course with Traci and her awesome team. During the course I got to learn hands-on to make Chyawanprash, kalpa, herbal tinctures, medicinal honey balls, medicated ghee and abhyanga oil. All the instructors were very knowledgeable about the process. I could see that they truly loved and enjoyed what they demoed. I benefitted by learning great home remedies to ward off colds and coughs this coming winter season. I also learnt a yummy abhyanga massage oil preparation to stay grounded this fall season. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to prepare their own high quality ayurvedic herbal remedies for a fraction of the price."
"I am so pleased to write to your school about my time spent with Traci for this course. I couldnāt be happier to have jumped in on a whim and be a part of this. It is amazing how much I can do with this knowledge shared with me and I truly look forward to taking more programs with your school and spread Ayurveda to anyone who enters my life. It really is my calling and it has manifested after years of thinking of this path, YAY! THANK YOU for helping to guide me in the direction I seek. It truly blows my mind how all of this has been such an intuitive process for me and how it entered my life. I am so thankful."
Sandhiya Ramaswamy MBA CAS PKS is an Ayurveda & Spiritual master teacher, practitioner and educator.Ā Ā For over a decade, she has had the privilegeĀ of helping hundreds of students experience the transformative power of Ayurveda.Ā She is an Ayurveda plant based chef, who cam back to her roots of ayurveda after a serious hospitalization related to burn out. She is passionate about teaching others to cook wholesome healing foods.
Jennifer is a certified Ayurveda Herbalist, Ayurveda Wellness Coach, Ayurveda Practitioner, Ayurveda Massage Therapist and Aromatherapist who graduated from the Ayurvedic Living School's first training programs. She's the founder and creatrix of Amrita Botanicals, an ayurveda-inspiredĀ aromatic product line where she incorporates her homegrown and home distilled herbs, essential oils and hydrosols.
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