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Ayurvedic Psychology of Politics

philosophy Nov 06, 2020
Ayurveda Psychology of Politics

Ayurvedic Psychology of Politics


Ayurveda says that whatever you find in the world. You will find within yourself. 

The saying goes:  "Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande".

Translated as "whatever is in the microcosm is also in the macrocosm", (pindanda = microcosm and brahmanda = macrocosm)

Meaning whatever is in you, is in the universe. Whatever is in the universe is in you.

From the ayurvedic lens, we always reflect back to nature when looking to make sense of our personal lives.

For example, nature has seasonal cycles, just as we experience "seasons" within our personal lives.  One minute we're living within a turbulant personal storm, the next minute it's all rainbows and unicorns.


Likewise, the same is true for politics.

In the USA by applying the microcosm-macrocosm principle to the republican and democratic parties, we can witness that the outer world of our current politics is expressing what we as individuals are collectively working on within ourselves personally - the integration of the highest expression of the masculine and feminine within.

In other words, we are working to find our balance between the outer masculine world of economy, security, logic (republican party) and the inner feminine world of people, empathy, emotion (democratic party).

As each individual continues to integrate the masculine-feminine within themselves, we will begin to witness the shift of the masculine and feminine structures and politics outside of ourselves in the world. 

In yoga, this is called samadhi or liberation.

Samadhi is the union of the masculine and the feminine within your heart, mind, body and life.  Ultimately it's the state of "sama" - balance.  Not too far in this direction, not too far in that direction. More like the mama bear from the Goldilocks fairy tale where everything is juuust right =)

Ultimately what we seek outside, we seek inside.

What we seek individually, we seek collectively.

We all want peace (samadhi), we all want the republicans/democrats (masculine/feminine) to get along. Truly, we all long for that peace within ourselves.

We seek peace collectively.

We seek peace personally.

The more we experience one, the more we will experience the other.

A rising tide lifts all ships.

To Our Collective Rise,


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