Soothe Summer Anger thru Ayurveda
Jun 15, 2021
3 Chill Pills
to Soothe Summer Anger
with Traci Webb
1. Do not postpone your meals - this will overheat your liver (the "seat of anger") and will eat away at your reserve energy ("ojas") leaving you with diminished endurance to stress and more likely to flare up for no reason.
2. Take 15 minute vacations once an hour. Here are some ayurvedic ideas for you... 1. step away from your desk and...step onto the soil or grass (preferably barefoot) to redistribute the electric energy of your system reconnecting with the earth element, 2. walk down the street and back (especially in nature when possible) to bring more pranic life-force into your system, reboot your metabolism to get your bliss molecules flowing (endorphins, dopamine, serotonin) to change your mental state, 3. smell the flowers to disconnect you from your logical mind and reconnect you to your intuitive feeling self, 4. splash water on your eyes and face, or spray rose water over your face and chest to reconnect you to your emotional heart and give your eyes a cooling break from computers and screens and 5. spend time with children and animals - take time to play and have fun and be soothed by the simplicity and presence of children and animals.
3. Develop a Daily Meditation Practice - it will give you daily practice at being patient and learning to relax, breath, and let go, so that when the time comes - YOU CAN!