~ Move From Lost to Launch in Your Ayurveda Business ~
Discover key mindset shifts to unlocking your income & impact potential, serving those you're here to serve, and stepping into professional visibility. Growing your business looks a lot like growing you! Together we're up to spiritual business! Business holds the potential to be a path of service, karma yoga and self-transformation. Align your program offerings with your highest values. Few things will evolve you more than committing to launching your dreams out into the world and witnessing who you become in the process.
Clarify your niche market and who you're here to serve & create your Ayurveda Lifestyle Business Design. Design your business around your self-care and wellness focused lifestyle guided by your soul's highest values. Your business is an expression of the health of your body, mind, consciousness, relationships and abundance.
Explore & Create Your Business Values, Mission Statement, & Tagline, and Gain Niche Clarity. Explore Business Entities, Insurance, Taxation & Legal Support Options. Register Your Business Entity. BONUS: Live Legal & Ethical Issues of Practicing Ayurveda Workshop with Traci Webb & Mary Thompson Included. Learn Teaching Essentials step-by-step.
Discover the 5 Elements of Business, Coaching Program & Product Design so that you understand thru the vedic lens, how a business idea is clarified, created and launched step-by-step. Conduct fast and simple business, book & product research to discover which of your business ideas are most viable as a business.
Explore Business & Teaching Model options for building and sharing your business, course, workshops, coaching programs, product lines out into the world. There are a variety to choose from and in this module, you'll be honing in on the best model for your lifestyle, income and impact goals. Discover which business & teaching model is best for you given your personal & professional needs around wellbeing, self-care, relationships, time with family, vacation, wealth and impact.
Clarify and create your business branding package including business name, logo, colors, style, photos, and fonts for use in all your marketing materials including your website, product line, book, signage, brochures, business cards, flyers, workshops, course & coaching packages. Receive direct support from peers and from Traci and your chosen mentor in selecting the best name, logos, colors, etc for your vibe and business. Teaching practice beings in group pods.
Design your ayurveda offering of choice step-by-step whether it be an ayurveda workshop series, course, coaching program, product line, podcast, or book. Get help refining the details of what to include and why, along with honing in on your messaging, with the help of our master teachers and your peer support pod. Refined teaching strategies and skills are also learned in this module.
For tech minimalists wanting to learn and use the minimal amount of tech necessary to run their ayurveda business. Understand essential programs/products/companies needed to run your ayurveda business such as your client scheduler, client handouts, contact list, and website. Explore our favorite companies, why we use them, how we use them, and get a behind the scenes demo on how to use them yourself.
Explore the more advanced options for streamlined systems integrations for those more smitten with tech or wanting to create a more robust and systematized ayurveda business, course, program or product line. Includes demo of systems explored. AI options and how to implement it to streamline business productivity and creativity will be explored here as well.
Explore Traditional and Modern Marketing Methods, Pros/Cons of Each, Create Your "Lead Magnet", and primary marketing funnel. Learn Essentials of Marketing Strategy & Ad Creation & Writing Niche & Industry Specific "Copy" for Your Marketing Materials, and Explore a Demo of Each System We Recommend.
Learn Moon Marketing™️ Feminine System of Marketing We Recommend, How to Exponentially Amplify Your Visibility, Learn How to Create & Schedule Your Marketing Calendar, and Learn Advanced Marketing Options Including Summits, Podcasts and More!
Students will be showcased this month in the school's marketing for their special "Ayurveda Day" workshops they'll be presenting and teaching this month as their "graduation project". This is a month of celebration!
Increase your income and your impact while clarifying, creating and launching your ayurveda business, workshop, coaching program, course, product line, podcast, book and more in this 10-Lesson Ayurveda Business Course Video Training with Traci Webb. You'll receive 1 video lesson a month throughout the program that will walking you step-by-step through clarifying, creating and launching your business and increasing your income and your impact. Formerly named Spiritual Business Course. (Value: $1250!)
Explore our step-by-step system to getting clear on your niche and who you're here to serve in our 4-Week Live Online Niche Clarity & Manifestation Mastery training with Traci Webb. Traci will walk you step-by-step through the key mindset shifts, skillsets and self-discovery practices to unlock the deep powerful inner knowing of who you're here to serve. Followed by a 3-Day Immersion with Lynn Hanger Activating Your Dharmic Path and deeper why.
This portion of the program alone is priceless! Get the ongoing community support, input, and inspiration you need as you clarify and create your ayurveda dream business. Peer pods provide the opportunity to bounce ideas, share resources, and receive accountability support as you move thru the process of clarifying, creating and launching your ayurveda business into the world. It truly takes a village and together we rise!
Continue to grow your clinical ayurveda & client communication skills during monthly 1-day Community Health Clinics guided Traci Webb and Guest Mentors. Students will observe and participate in client health sessions each month to refine their clinical skills. PLUS, for graduates of our Ayurveda Herb School and/or Ayurveda Life Mastery Coach Training, you'll get to join Traci's Inner Circle for half-day "clinic-after-the-clinics" each month, refining your herbal formulating and pathology skills (for Ayurveda Herbalist School grads) and/or your coaching and subtle body skills (for Ayurveda Life Mastery grads) .
Get the personal support and guidance you need to skyrocket your ayurveda business and clinical practice through 5 private ayurveda mentorship & business coaching sessions and you move throughout the program. You'll receive 1 x 60-minute session with a Guest Mentor of your choice, plus 2 x 60-minute sessions with Lynn Hanger.
Experience deep release & renewal of your body, heart and home in our 2 seasonal group detoxes as we release toxins from our tissues, liver/gallbladder, kidneys, skin, lungs, colon and more. This detox is a total reboot to the digestive and nervous systems and our students express how profoundly transformation these detoxes are not only to their body and health but to their life and spiritual connection.
Learn to make over 12 ayurveda staple foods and herbal and aromatic self-care products including body lotion, herbal ghees, jams, oils, facial moisturizers, chyvanprash and so much more! 100% Online Hands-on Experience!
Learn to speak your body's language and to read clients face, body, pulse, tongue, nails and speech to determine their potential tissues, organs and systems of strength and weakness so that you can support them to make adjustments to their nutrition, lifestyle and additional therapies before deeper imbalances arise.
Get 24-hour access to our Self-Care Video Vault showcasing 100+ Ayurveda Self-Care, Yoga, Women's Wisdom & Cooking Classes FREE for 1 Year!
Traci will be mentoring you in our monthly Ayurveda Business Essentials retreats throughout the program. Traci has created 5 thriving ayurveda businesses since 1997 including: 2 Ayurveda Wellness Centers & Panchakarma Retreat Centers, an Ayurveda Herbal Product Line, an Ayurveda Cooking School & an Ayurveda Professional Training School She's also sold an ayurveda business, written several ayurveda textbooks and launched several ayurveda summits and a podcast. She's thrilled to share the easier, softer, feminine path to clarifying, creating, launching & sustaining the ayurveda business of your dreams without the burnout. One that not only meets a deep need within the world, but also grows lights you up and supports you to live your best life - the life you've always sensed was possible.
Mary will be teaching the monthly teacher training retreats throughout the program. Mary has her teaching credential and was classically trainined as a teacher. She has been teaching ayurveda for over 30 years throughout many different ayurveda instiutions including training ayurveda professionals across the US and beyond. She is a teacher of many of the ayurveda teachers in this country and has a passion for teaching ayurveda teachers and sharing her lifetime of accumulated wisdom.
Mariam has an MA in Public Speaking and she spent years training high level executives in public speaking. Mariam has a passion for empowering women to thrive thru ayurveda. She's a graduate of Ayurvedic Living School's Ayurveda Coach Training & Ayurveda Herbalist Training. Her background also includes a speciality training in Ayurveda Cooking, She brings public speaking expertise, inspiration and communication skills to the classroom.
Lynn will be supporting you in our monthly 4-hour business building implementation & group mastermind sessions. Whether you need help clarifying your target audience, message, offer, strategy, ad assets you'll receive Lynn's ongoing expert support and that of your peers on an ongoing basis. Lynn is passionate about helping ayurveda to spread far and wide and brings her experience building her own ayurveda business and coaching program, launching her own summit, teaching, and her inspiration and personal touch to our monthly hands-on Business Builder Retreats.
Community Clinic Mentor, & Creating & Sustaining a Thriving Ayurveda Practice.
Community Clinic Mentor & Growing Your Ayurveda Business & Becoming a Sought After Ayurveda Teacher.
Business Mentor, Creating & Sustaining a Thriving Ayurveda Practice & Coaching Program
Creating & Growing Your Ayurveda Business &/or Non-Profit Organization.
Our experienced world class teachers are some of the original founding teachers of ayurveda in the USA. They are the "Foremothers of Ayurveda" in the USA who helped to grow ayurveda, founded some of the ayurveda organizations and taught many of the ayurveda teachers in the USA and beyond.
Every few months, we'll be visited by a very special guest mentor who'll share her 30+ years of ayurveda secret sauce. They bring together their diverse backgrounds in launching & sustaining thriving Ayurveda coaching practices & programs, wellness & retreat centers, summits, international conferences, product lines, workshops, classes, trainings, panchakarma retreats, leading women's circles and teaching at the most prestigious ayurveda schools, conferences and summits. They'll be sharing their business, teaching and communication tips, tricks and strategies for sharing ayurveda in a way which is user-friendly and easily understandable in both their clinical practice one-on-one with clients as well in public workshops and classes.
Guests Include: Vijaya Stern, Mary Thompson, Mamta Landerman, Sandhiya Ramaswamy & Sarah Kruse!
Starts: April 17, 2025
Earlybird Bonus!: 4-Week Niche Clarity & 3-Day Dharma Activation Training with Traci Webb & Lynn Hanger
*(Must be Registered by 4/1/25 to get bonus)
Registration Deadline: April 11, 2025, 5pm PT/8pm ET
No prerequisites required.
Scholarships Available. Schedule a call to learn more.
Select Your Payment Option & Then Submit your $100 non-refundable deposit today to hold y our spot. Your deposit will be deducted from your total.
~ Move From Lost to Launch ~
50% of the Way There
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